Monday, February 09, 2009

Up and Running

After a months long hiatus during the midst of "election fever" I've returned to the blogosphere with words of wisdom. Well, maybe just words.

For example:

The stimulus package is being labeled by its opponents as a "spending package" although no member of the Republic Party has yet offered a manner in which a stimulus package can exist absent of spending provisions.

Rush Limbaugh has emerged as a de facto spokesperson for the Republic Party, thus assuring its complete and inevitable relegation to the fringe of American politics. Let us all just hope that the devil we know is NOT, in fact, better than that whom we have not yet met. (Although I must admit that it'll be tough to top El Rushbo's racist, fascistic rantings.)

My state, Florida, is now "blue." I'm not yet sure what that means. It's still a place of Confederate Flags and anti-immigrant sentiments. We have a Republic governor, a Republic-controlled legislature and a continuing love affair with all things regressive. I'm guessing the Kennedys will continue to visit the West Palm place infrequently.

Progress is a difficult phenomenon to quantify. Obama's election: progress. Florida voting for Democrats: progress . . . ? Rush Limbaugh emerging as a bona fide political figure: ?

1 comment:

troutbirder said...

I hope you analysis about leading the Republicans further to the fringe is true. The only thing that truley frightens me is that millions of people take his lies as gospel.