Friday, February 22, 2008

Endorsement: Obama

Obama-Clinton. Clinton-Obama. What's a Democrat to do? On the one hand, Hilary Clinton has a grasp of policy and politics rivaled by none (excepting, perhaps her husband.) On the other hand, Barack Obama presents the country with a chance for real change. Obama's electable. Hilary has high disapproval ratings. Obama lacks experience. Absent some fast-track genetic manipulation, there is no clear answer to the question.

I've lined up with the Obama movement for several reasons. First off, I think he can win. Convictions, expertise and loyalty are great, but if it all leads to defeat, it begs the question of their value. In a race between Clinton and McCain, McCain will be able to present himself as more experienced, more likeable, a break from the past (neither a Bush nor a Clinton) and male. That's right, male. Despite the nation's determination to embrace the notion of women in positions of power, the reality of a female Commander-in-Chief of the world's largest military doesn't pass muster with a large segment of the population. Hilary comes across has having all the negative qualities of a strong woman (domineering, vindictive, sharp-tounged) but few from the positive side of the register (protective, loyal, supportive.) In the end, the American people will choose McCain over Clinton.

Also near the top of my list of reasons is the sense that Barack Obama truly presents a chance for change. I'll grant that it's all a bit murky and that the change might be more superficial than substantive. Nevertheless, this country needs something new. I'm willing to take a chance on Obama. He's smart, compassionate, not a son of privilege, and a compelling orator. I see shades of Ich bin ein Berliner when I hear him speak. It's a shame that he'll have to rebuild our ties with the civilized world, but I believe he's up to the task.

Anyway, it'll all get solved one way or the other in November. At least this time around the opposition is someone with whom I can honestly disagree but not fear. That's already a change for the better.

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