Friday, February 23, 2007

Headline: Pot Calls Kettle Black (or, Israel Calls for Iran Sanctions)

They're kidding right? Surely even Israel, a country which has produced and maintains a stockpile of nuclear weapons in defiance of international law, UN restrictions and various treaty obligations, is not sufficiently arrogant to call on the international community to impose sanctions on Iran for following the same path. I have no problem with Israel's desire to maintain a nuclear free Iran. I also have no problem with Israel working legally toward that end. Frankly, the fewer nuclear weapons, the better is a general tenet I hold dear.

My problem is that the Israeli government will not submit to the same restrictions, inspections and conditions that they are calling for with respect to Iran. Israel and her supporters claim frequently that they are victims of unfair treatment. There are certainly cases in which that may be true. The situation, however, is now entirely reversed. Israel wants Iran to comply with regulations to which Israel will not and furthermore insists that Iran be punished.

I'll support any reasonable, serious response to the illicit production of nuclear technology that is apllied equally among all nations. Other than that, any response will only serve to further deepen the existing rifts and perceived unfair treatment.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Tony Snow - Gotta Go

Who is this guy? Is he serving as a right-wing talk radio host or is he the Press Secretary for the President of the United States of America? All these born-again, conservative busy bodies who were harping on Bill Clinton for bringing the Office of President into disrepute seem surprisingly silent when the Press Secretary makes unsubstantiated claims about the motivations of a key individual in the Iraqi mess.

It's time for Tony snow to go. (Maybe Rush Limbaugh's looking for a new gig.)